Sunday, October 7, 2007

I believe that technology propriety is an important issue because of reality. Reality is the 9 to 5 working world where there is work, eat, and sleep. The reality of is parties, friends, and possibly vulgar things. It is a world of its own, but what students do not realize is that they are putting themselves out there to be caught in illegal acts. If you are throwing a party with alcohol and underage consumption, do not tell the entire student body of when, where, and who is attending because it is public and if authorities have the desire to do so, they are able to access that information by the click of a button.
Another aspect of reality for why should be decent and respectable is because employers do look into your page sometimes. They may have thought there was more to you than perceived in an interview and can check to see if you have a profile. After seeing inappropriate photos, text, or illegal matter the employer could highly reconsider everything from your interview.
The correct context that should be used on is proper etiquette, respectability, and common sense. Proper etiquette should be used because of the employers who are searching for deeper information about you online. Respect for yourself and others by posting non vulgar, legal things should be present in the community. Finally, common sense is a given because if you are going to tell on yourself for something wrong or bad you’re taking part in, do not get mad when you get caught.
I think propriety is a very important issue in our world today. There are a lot of people that rely on technology to communicate with others. Many career fields utilize technology to communicate as well. It is important to know how to be polite and respectful when talking to others through facebook, AIM, and texting. The things that are appropriate differ on a case-by-case basis. If someone is talking to his or her friends abbreviations and slang would not be rude. If a person is communicating via text messaging with a client or a boss, proper English should be used.

There are different things that are appropriate depending on the medium a person is using as well. For example, texting is often shorter conversations with abbreviated words and incomplete sentences. People assume that when they text someone they will receive a text back within a reasonable amount of time. Facebook, on the other hand, is not as instantaneous. People often type longer paragraphs. Incomplete sentences and abbreviations are still used, but not as much.

Response for Monday- Facebook

I feel that as society gets more technologically advanced, the people within the society should adapt. I also feel that by using certain forms of technology, example facebook and text messaging communication has gotten so impersonal. I think that when individuals communicate through facebook they are leaving messages that are usually vague and without feeling because they know that a mass of people will be able to read this message.

I feel that in the future society is only going to be more technologically based, and the way we educate future generations should reflect this aspect of society. I also feel that it should be encouraged that people still use proper means of communication in certain situations. I feel that the business setting and education setting are not the proper place to use this type of communication.

Monday Response

This is an important issue because so many people rely on technology in this day and age. Some people have their whole lives planned out in their blackberry or in their cell phone schedule. I know people that check their facebook more then ten times a day. People feel as if their facebook page is their own, something that they can share with friends or family. They also feel as if they can block people they don't like out of those areas for example, making some one private. I think ownership makes people feel good about themselves. But when it comes to fitting in its a case-by-case situation. Everyone is different and feels differently about certain things whether its facebook or a cell phone.