Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Response on Wikipedia

Although wikipedia is a patroled site, and does allow users the options to correct errors when found, wikipedia was never an acceptable site to use as a source when doing assignments. I
never really understood why this was not a credible source until doing the readings.

Although wikipedia allows falsifications to be revised, I feel that the fact that these errors are even allowed on a site, that is widely used, in the first place may make the site seem incredible. I feel that even though this site is patroled, it does still allow for false information to make it onto the system. Because of this one may think that the site is biased, or they may see that just like any site, mistakes are made.

I feel one's perception of this site really just depends on the viewers. I personally have always been told to not use wikipedia, but when doing small research for myself, I have never had problems finding the information I need.

Wiki 10/16/07

When looking on the Wiki's site I found that there are people called administers that overlook the site for any false information and/or things that just shouldn't be on there. These people have special rights to the site that no one else has. I think that their are more than just a few people who have these rights too because without many people it would take someone forever to look through all of the information that Wiki provides. My question is are these administers make money off the site?

Wednesday Post

Anyone can edit information on Wikipedia but there are 1,000 users with "special powers" that try and keep control of things that are posted in line with Wikipedia's guidelines and policies. I'm not sure if they specifically look for false claims but I'm sure if something is reported or if they come across something incorrect, they step in to try and correct it. If someone finds biased or incorrect information, they can either report it or alter it themselves.
Wikipedia has officers that patrol the site for incorrect information. At any time, a user can report a problem and make a request to edit the site with correct information.


When searching the site of wikipedia I found that they do have administrators that patrol/monitor the site with what is posted/edited on there. Under the about section of wikipedia where it discusses contributors, I found the following: Over 1,000 administrators with special powers ensure that behavior conforms to Wikipedia guidelines and policies. When a few situations are still unresolved after all other consensus remedies have failed, a judicial committee steps in and decides to withdraw or restrict editing privileges or to take other corrective measures. So this just proves that there are people who are trying to make sure that what goes onto the site is truthful and appropriate.

Wikipedia "patrol"

Yes, there are people who "patrol" the site and look for false claims. On the "About-Wikipedia" page they claim that anyone who see intentional vandalism, can be reported or corrected immediately. Wikipedia works hard to be a credible site and they don't want their information to be wrong or criticized. I am sure will all the millions of entries on wikipeida it is hard to catch every detail of false information as found in the Siegenthaler article. It is a good system that users can report the problem fast and have it fixed. If a user finds biased information they can report it and find information of their own and post so the entry is unbiased. I think in the NPR audio clip, i found it interesting that they were saying a lot of the entries were liberal. I am sure in their opinion there are biased entries on wikipidea. If you are just a reader and you find a biased entry you don't agree with then that person should edit the entry themselves and give more information to the entry.

Wednesday Wikipedia Post

Wikipedia does have people who "patrol" the site, looking for errors or bias entries. The people who do so are those who go onto the site to look up information or post information. Wikipedia entries are available to be edited at anytime. If someone finds something that is wrong in an entry, they are able to correct it right away. Wikipedia also allows people to site their information so that others who read the entries can determine the validity of the posts.

The people who add entries to the site do not want it to be full of useless information. They take pride in what they post and do their best to make it a credible site. So, the people who police wikipedia are you and me.