Thursday, September 13, 2007


In the reading it says that, the female style has the desire to be addressed and be ratified and liked, it doesn't want to impose upon, whereas the male style is in contrast and confronts or threatens for alternative views. I think that this is true to an extent. Not every guy is that way. I know many women who are always arguing with their boyfriends for example, and their boyfriends are the ones who are less dominate. It also depends on the topic or situation upon which these people are talking about. In general, males are naturally just more aggressive then females. I don't think this is always a bad thing. I thought she made some good points in her article but overall I don't agree. You need to look at the situation and the person before you can judge a whole group.

1 comment:

ErinF said...

I completely agree that different situations cause people, both men and women, to write in different ways. It is important to remember this point.