Sunday, October 7, 2007

I believe that technology propriety is an important issue because of reality. Reality is the 9 to 5 working world where there is work, eat, and sleep. The reality of is parties, friends, and possibly vulgar things. It is a world of its own, but what students do not realize is that they are putting themselves out there to be caught in illegal acts. If you are throwing a party with alcohol and underage consumption, do not tell the entire student body of when, where, and who is attending because it is public and if authorities have the desire to do so, they are able to access that information by the click of a button.
Another aspect of reality for why should be decent and respectable is because employers do look into your page sometimes. They may have thought there was more to you than perceived in an interview and can check to see if you have a profile. After seeing inappropriate photos, text, or illegal matter the employer could highly reconsider everything from your interview.
The correct context that should be used on is proper etiquette, respectability, and common sense. Proper etiquette should be used because of the employers who are searching for deeper information about you online. Respect for yourself and others by posting non vulgar, legal things should be present in the community. Finally, common sense is a given because if you are going to tell on yourself for something wrong or bad you’re taking part in, do not get mad when you get caught.

1 comment:

Kfrye said...

I agree with you, but in your last paragraph i think it would be hard to make facebook a proper place. I agree with you, but i think it is sad how facebook has gotten to the point where people write whatever they want without respect for others. I think it is looked at as a fun site where people think nothing can really go wrong.