Friday, September 21, 2007

interpretation/representation response for friday

i view interpretation as your own personal viewpoint. all of us do not see the world or events in the same way for example in my Greek Lit. class the popular viewpoint from one of our readings found that the author was weighing one persons long speech greater then that of the other person, and yet i felt that they were both equal in strength, clearly against the majority of the class and yet i was about to draw examples as to why i believed the speeches were held equally. i am sure all of us interpret the war in Iraq in different ways as well, me being more conservative minded, my view will be different from a liberal minded individual.

representation to me is how the information is presented, it is how can i present this information in such a way that is clear and obvious. representation gives us a framework of a particular subject. the example i will use here is current movies that are based in the 1940's, 50's, etc.. in which the way racism is toned down in a lot of movies. we all know that during those times race was a huge issue with many forms of discrimination, yet the movie represents it in such a way that its less offensive while at the same time saying hey racism did exist. i hope i represented that point well. if not feel free to add to my response with comments and your thoughts.

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