Friday, September 21, 2007

Chapter 14

A amplified language consits of specific detailed statements. A good amplified language is a bilateral contract that both parties can agree upon. The more information that's on the contract the more clearer the offeree can perform and finish the task as what the offeror wanted. However in some situations like overmanagement in a company may make employees of that company crazy due to the fact that they are always bossed around by the many detailed rules and the many people who are in charge at that time.

A compressed language consits of general statements that may be stereotypic if its overlooked. Compressed language may often to be used by professors during exams, "pop quizes", and assignments suddenly due. because they usually want to test you on how you handle problems by yourself. One bad thing about compressed language is that it may fails to bring injustice to the discourse community, due to the impatients of the person who is incharge of that particular discourse community at that time. This may make that discourse community a dangerous place to live in at that time.

I think that it is both amplification and compression for our discourse community discussion on project #2.. In some points in our discussion we go into detailed discussions about how leadership works in the society which makes it amplification. Other points in our slides we briefly discuss how such organizations have their own special discourse community such as "Order of Omega" and "Gamma Sigma Alpha". This is compression, because we don't go in detail on how we can become a member of those societies because we are using them as a reference to support our presentation.

Response for Monday: Laib on amplification and compression

After reading Laib's chapter 14, Development: Amplification and Compression, explain a hypothetical situation in which amplified language would be preferred. Also provide a situation where compressed language would be most useful. Finally, look at your group's discourse community for project #2. Does it prefer amplification or compression? Why? How do you know?

Interpretation-What interpretation is in my opionion is evaluating the situation that your are in and giving a response to whatever it was that you were apart of to put you into conclusion. Looking at things from your perspective, or evaluation someone elses.

Representation-Representation can be what that person is standing for. The person sees an image, acts on that and ultimately wanting to be formal and show a strong standing. How the information is put out and given to the consumer is very critical.

Sept. 21 Blog

When I think of interpretation I think of an explanation by a critic. This can be in many different aspects of life. As you go through your everyday life you make many interpretations, and also you make different interpretations than other people. Representation deals with presentation, or how the information is getting across to all of the recievers. An example of this may be a sales rep.


Interpretation: Ideology or belief of what was written, read, or spoke.
Representation: Attempt to be realistic without imposing a bias.
Interpretation is more of what you believe was said, but on the other hand representation is more of a realistic view point.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an example of interpretation.
The Discovery Channel: In the Womb is an example of representation.

Interpretation -- Representation

Interpretation is finding meaning from and individual perception and opinion. This is not always based in fact because it is subjective. Representation is trying to report something close to factual and trying to be objective. An example of interpretation would be Kill Bill. News programs use representation for their stories.

interpretation/representation response for friday

i view interpretation as your own personal viewpoint. all of us do not see the world or events in the same way for example in my Greek Lit. class the popular viewpoint from one of our readings found that the author was weighing one persons long speech greater then that of the other person, and yet i felt that they were both equal in strength, clearly against the majority of the class and yet i was about to draw examples as to why i believed the speeches were held equally. i am sure all of us interpret the war in Iraq in different ways as well, me being more conservative minded, my view will be different from a liberal minded individual.

representation to me is how the information is presented, it is how can i present this information in such a way that is clear and obvious. representation gives us a framework of a particular subject. the example i will use here is current movies that are based in the 1940's, 50's, etc.. in which the way racism is toned down in a lot of movies. we all know that during those times race was a huge issue with many forms of discrimination, yet the movie represents it in such a way that its less offensive while at the same time saying hey racism did exist. i hope i represented that point well. if not feel free to add to my response with comments and your thoughts.

Friday 09/21 Post

Representation is ultimately an image that a person sees within their mind. Even if it is a red apple, the image in everyone's mind might not be the exact same. Interpretation is a thought or idea that someone tries to work through.

I think an example of representation could be any film or TV show since it involves images while I think one that fits for interpretation might be a news program such as 20/20 or Dateline since the information given to you is meant to be thought about and thoroughly processed instead of a representation which can have many different forms.