Friday, September 28, 2007

Response to Klass

By using two characters in her story it helped to show the differences between people who know medical jargon and those who don't. I found that I could relate more the the mom because when her daughter complained about NG tubes, I along with the mom had no idea what she was referring to. When telling a story I think it is very important to tell the perspectives from both sides (inside and outside) of the discourse community. If Klass only gave the example of Mr. Eponym whom belonged inside the discourse community, then we wouldn't see how that discourse community really is its own because of its specific language. If everyone understood medical jargon then it wouldn't be its own unique discourse community anymore. It's important to show that not everyone understands or knows the jargon of each discourse community like Klass did with her mom.

1 comment:

Sarah Mabe said...

I agree with you on how including people both inside and outside the community really helped the reader to understand the authors message. I feel that if the mother was not included then I would not fully comprehend the point that he or she was trying to make.