Monday, October 8, 2007

Response to Facebook and Texting

Technology propriety is an important issue because it is how we communicate with other people now for the most part. On Facebook most things people write and do are inappropriate and are about non important subjects that are just for the social matter and not academic. They will write to a friend a long paragrapha bout what is going on in their life while using bad grammar and mispelling. There are people that use Facebook in the proper and dont put vulgar things and swear words on peoples walls, but it is not comonly found on facebook. While in Texting a lot of people use the letter "u" instead of typing out "you" and instead of saying "know" they will write "knw", that doesnt make much sense to me because it is missing just one letter but people do do that. I think that propriety can be juged on a case-by-case baisis because a certian individual is not going to use unproper language online all the time. It should be encouraged to use communication in the proper way, but in reality people are going to type online how they feel. In the world of Facebook people are't going to care if you mispell a word but if you were writing to an employer then that would be a different situation.

1 comment:

flickmap said...

I agree 100% with the point you make about how people will skip 1 letter in a word. I always thought it was a bit silly. And again, I also agree things with texting and Facebook are situations based on case-to-case.