Monday, October 15, 2007

Wednesday's Wacky Wikipedia Response

Yes there are people who "patrol" the Wikipedia site and look for false claims. People or "patrolers"who have accounts on Wiki can easily make changes to anything that they do not approve of. Whether if its massivley offensive and slanderous to society in it's legal terms like what John Seigenthaler experienced from the Wiki-users or minorily offensive to some people based upon their own personal beliefs just like what Andy thought of the "Ghost rider" Article. (

It is clear that Wikipedia is trying the best it can to locate its people who write these slanderous posts, like the ones made in the Siegenthaler article and the NPR audio clip. Its very difficult to locate the people who posts stuff because you do not know who posted what in what area. Even though you do know someone did edit the site due to the users blog. Even though you are more likely to locate any discourse community, it may never really be accurate due to many innacurate or non-up-to-date responses.


hshoenl said...

Nice summary, your findings are interesting.

ErinF said...

I agree with you that there will be bisased infomration no matter where a person looks.

Mr. Wiebe said...

Nice assessment and look at the biases surrounding wikipedia.