Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wikipedia Post

1. One characteristic of an effective Wikipedia post is that there are links to other posts on the Wikipedia site. This allows people to click on words that are in a post that they may not understand and learn what the words mean. For example, I clicked on the Smashing Pumpkins post. Within the post, the date October 5, 1988 was referenced. I had no clue what happened on this day in history. I was able to click on the date and I was transferred to another post all about the date October 5, 1988.

2. Another characteristic of an effective Wikipedia post is that the post provides more than just a definition of the word, date, or event. The post provides background history, current information, and relevant topics having to do with the content of the post. For example, I clicked on the link to "heavy metal." Within this post there was information about the history of heavy metal, how it was influenced, chords, and themes all surrounding the topic of heavy metal.

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