Friday, September 7, 2007

limerick response

i could not agree more with what Limerick has stated because there are times that our assigned reading is so dull and so abstract that discussing a portion of it, is almost impossible. i have an ethics class, just one class out of my other 4, but the reading that i just finished for the thursdays class was just dull. trying to figure out how to talk about it was tough. then you have professors who when giving lectures try to impress us with huge words and sentance structure that you sit there with your mouth open thinking huh and then if like me you just start to day dream or doodle or something. a lot of writing to me is done with a certain about of arrogance, the author is some how saying that i am smarter then you and if you do not understand what i am writing then that means i have more education then you, i am smarter, etc. as we mentioned in some peoples response that professors want us to write something using our sources as a guide but if we interpert something wrong, or we right it in a way that is easily understood then many times we the student are wrong. this is just my opinion however.

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