Sunday, October 7, 2007

I think propriety is a very important issue in our world today. There are a lot of people that rely on technology to communicate with others. Many career fields utilize technology to communicate as well. It is important to know how to be polite and respectful when talking to others through facebook, AIM, and texting. The things that are appropriate differ on a case-by-case basis. If someone is talking to his or her friends abbreviations and slang would not be rude. If a person is communicating via text messaging with a client or a boss, proper English should be used.

There are different things that are appropriate depending on the medium a person is using as well. For example, texting is often shorter conversations with abbreviated words and incomplete sentences. People assume that when they text someone they will receive a text back within a reasonable amount of time. Facebook, on the other hand, is not as instantaneous. People often type longer paragraphs. Incomplete sentences and abbreviations are still used, but not as much.

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