Sunday, October 7, 2007

Response for Monday- Facebook

I feel that as society gets more technologically advanced, the people within the society should adapt. I also feel that by using certain forms of technology, example facebook and text messaging communication has gotten so impersonal. I think that when individuals communicate through facebook they are leaving messages that are usually vague and without feeling because they know that a mass of people will be able to read this message.

I feel that in the future society is only going to be more technologically based, and the way we educate future generations should reflect this aspect of society. I also feel that it should be encouraged that people still use proper means of communication in certain situations. I feel that the business setting and education setting are not the proper place to use this type of communication.

1 comment:

ErinF said...

I agree that many facebook messages are vague and without feeling. Another reason for this may be because people write on so many facebook walls per day, that they do not put emotion or time into what they write. It is not a special occasion to get a post on one's wall like it is to recieve mail. I think this adds to the vague nature of facebook posts.