Sunday, August 26, 2007

Response #3

English represents a lot of things to me, it is a representation of who i am because i without my native language who would i be. It is how i express my ideas and emotions, and it is hard to think what it would be without it. In Tan's reading, it would be hard to be in America and people don't respond or critize you because you dont speak english that is up to thier standards. I know some people that say your in America so you should learn how to speak English, and it is not as easy as it seems. We have been brought up to speak this way and use our language to its advantage. Sure I think it is easy, i have been brought up with this language. I think that it would be hard to go to another country and speak their language as your second, it is a barrier that a lot of people deal with and these writers explain it well.

1 comment:

flickmap said...

I agree with you that it is for sure not as easy as it seems to move to another country and speak that language. But I also agree with those who say things such as "You're here so speak our language." If a person decides to move to a country with a new language, they should assimilate properly. I'm not saying they should leave their culture and/or language behind but to simply embrace the new world that they have decided to live in and speak that world's language.