Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Baby Girl Card

At first I felt my card did not really support Willer’s claims; however on closer examination I realized that it in fact did have some gender reinforcement. On the front of the card it says “Congratulations on your little ‘sleepy-time gal’” and on the inside are two very tired parents holding there smiling baby. There is not really a gendered color theme of pinks, but there is no blue, more of a purple color. The language supports gendered themes in the use of the word “little” referring to a girl. Also, Willer claims that, “Although not significant, there were birth congratulation cards for girls that identified a girl as a shopper, as a phone talker … as needing security.” I think that the message that the new baby girl is tiring her parents up reinforces the stereotype that females are high maintenance.

1 comment:

mchalup said...

I agree with this just because my card indicated that females were high maintence as well. Although I agree with that indiviual part, I still hold strong to my belife that people are making too big of deal out of small things. For example-this color card issue. who cares what color the card is?