Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Posting 1

My writing skills have seen growth and change throughout the past few years of my life. I have found through different experiences and rhetoric that what I write about and how I feel about my writing is usually almost always influenced by my own thoughts and experiences. My mentors and influences have helped me into a better writer from time to time and have shown and taught me a variety of contexts, styles, and methods to try and put to use. I feel that the story excerpts were very helpful and useful examples to use and analyze. I found that the experiences of Rose and Raymond were very closely tied in to the study of rhetoric in this examination of writing especially in conveying feelings and thoughts to the audience. It is always important to consider how you want to tell or say a particular thing or idea when you are writing about something. I feel that proper rhetoric is something that can be successfully used in writing when it is properly exercised. An individual's creativity, rhetoric, and experiences are all certainly impacting factors in effective writing.

-Alex Wiebe

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