Monday, August 27, 2007

respone 3

English is the means by which I communicate my thoughts and feelings. In my life I have not had to struggle to fit in with learning a second language like Amy Tan mother’s “broken” English, Gillian sacrificing his Italian, and Agosin struggling to find anything to compare with his beloved Spanish. These authors see us as socially judgmental of those who do not speak English perfectly and treat those lacking inferior. I’m sad that all these authors have a negative point of view about how we perceive foreign speakers and are perceptions that English is the “right” and “only” language. Wow, how self-centered we are.

I was really mad when I read Amy Tan’s article and saw that her mother was even treated poorly because of her trouble speaking perfect English. No one should receive poor service or be ignored simply because of their speech. I am glad that I have not had to face these social injustices in my life.

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