Friday, August 31, 2007

Self-Inflicted Verbal Lashing

Disclaimer: Due to my tendency of thinking I'm absolutely fabulous in everything that I do, I'm going to be as hard on myself as possible.

I did have a clear all-encompassing thesis, however I am unsure of how the paper is received by my peers. It bothered me that I had a hard time revealing the story as vivid as I recalled. Serial rough draft killings took place before I settled on the resulting draft. Although, I feel that my paper was strong, I realize that it is my own personal experience and that bias influences my critique.

Yes, you reading my post. I need some input on my rough draft b/c I can use all the peer editing help that I can get. If you are interested in helping this poor soul out, please e-mail me: carlyh@bgnet....

Thanks! --C.J.

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